Author, performer, script consultant,

gamer, teacher, artist, and expatriate

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A photo of the author Greta C Wink

Newest Book

Image of the book cover of Mr. Cartwright and the Final Solution by Greta C Wink

Mr. Cartwright and the Final Solution

"Most people consider themselves the stars of their own stories. The truth is we all share equal space in one story: the story of the human race. Countless wars and lives have been fought and lost as we argue over how the story should be told and what the final chapter should look like.

Enter Mr. Cartwright. He’s not technically real. He’s not technically alive. But he is, technically, the product of a brilliant and insightful mind. And that mind has a solution. For you. For me. For everyone. Crisp, accomplished, and sly, MR. CARTWRIGHT AND THE FINAL SOLUTION is a tale for everyone who wonders why a happy ending has to be so complicated. You may not be the star of the book, but don’t worry: even if you don’t find a happy ending, there’s a place for you among its pages... More

Current Project

A drawing of Donder the superhero from the webseries TIGHTS


Greta is always working. Currently she is focusing on polishing the scripts for the first season of TIGHTS, a web series about super heroes trying to make it in the real world. You can learn more about it here.